
Archive for the ‘Reporting Services’ Category

Displaying multi-select parameters inside a report

July 8, 2010 Leave a comment

Another quick one – when you create a parameter with multiple select enabled, you must remember that the object type is actually an array , which makes it not so easy to display the selected values on the report. The trick is to use the following command : 

Categories: Reporting Services download

June 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Looking for the Reporting Services webparts for Sharepoint ? They come with the Reporting Services installation , but if you can’t find them , I’ve put them on Sky drive here : 

Might save you some frustration
Categories: Reporting Services

Report Parts : Making life easy

May 30, 2010 Leave a comment

As I mentioned previously , I’ll try to run through all the nice new features of Reporting Services 2008 R2. We’ve covered the Sparklines and the Shared Data sets , so lets now focus on something called Report Parts.


The image above shows a folder on Report Manager where Report Parts have been published. You get a nice "puzzle" icon with it.

Now this really is a feature that will drive ad-hoc reporting amongst business users. Its easy to set up , and it makes report creation laughably easy , almost too easy. Basically you now have the ability to publish each part of your report as an individual object. A person using report builder can then browse what report parts are available on a report server and then simply drag them onto his report.  Nothing needs to be set up or configured, it will create any related objects for you , like data sources or data sets. You simply "drag and run". All formatting is maintained as well. Firstly, however, somebody has to create the Report Parts iteself. This isn’t too difficult.

Once you’ve created a report in Report Builder 2  , you can select the "Publish Report Parts" option from the main drop down menu at the top left. In Visual Studio , you would have to click in Report – "Publish Report Parts". In the report that I’ve created below , each guage , table and chart will be published as an individual report part.

You can then choose to simply publish or review – from Visual Studio you will get the review by default. Here you can select which objects to publish and write in a nice description for people who will be browsing the report part. A "preview" icon is generated which is really handy, and this is what the end user will see while browsing. If you publish a dataset it will create a shared dataset.
Now for the easy part – creating a report using parts that have been published. You need to really pay attention here, right ?
On the left hand side in report builder, you will see a new "Report Part Galllery" panel, with the icon previewing the part.
And on a new report, you simply click on a part that you want , and drag it on. As I mentioned previously, the data sources and data sets that the object requires will be created automatically. Of course the more advanced users can tweak these. But for deploying "self service" reporting , the combination report parts and shared data sets is a winner.
Categories: Reporting Services

Shared Data Sets – The Game Changer

February 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Nothing like a snappy headline to get your attention. A nice surprise I stumbled upon while fooling around with the November CTP is something called Shared Data Sets. I now believe that it is a feature I will use a lot in future, as it has many advantages, but firstly , what is it ?


Quite simply it is a dataset that you can create independently of a report, which can then be deployed to the Report Server. Once that is done , the following interesting scenarios are available to us :


·         You can quickly create reports without worrying about the query as long as the dataset serves the needs of multiple reports.

·         The dataset can be cached to provide better performance while at the same time reducing the load on the SQL server across the execution of multiple reports.

·         It leads to interesting development scenarios , such as datasets being set up by and managed by developers , and report writers simply using them in report builder without having to worry about the back end side of a report. This scenario further builds on the “self-service” concept that Microsoft is pushing.


Creating a Shared Data Set

The first step is to fire up Report Builder 3. This can be done from the Report Manager website. You will then see a new screen asking you what you would like to create in Report Builder. On the left , select Shared Data Set.

On the next screen , you will be asked to choose a data source. Hence we see that to use a Shared Data Source, you will have to deploy a Shared Data Source ( something we could always do ). Select one that you have ( or create one quickly ) . You may be asked to supply credentials to connect to the source.



One the next screen , you will see , depending on the type of source , a query builder for either SQL server or Analysis Services ( haven’t tested this with those other databases yet). You can even call a Stored Procedure from your Shared Data Set. Once you have defined the query , you can click on a button called Set Options to define fields,  parameters and filters for the data set. At any time you can change the Data Source connection by hitting Select.




That’s it for creating it. You can then choose to save it on the Report Server itself. I like to now create a folder called Data Sets and put them there.


Now you can create some reports to use the shared data set. Create a report as normal , but instead of first defining a data source, you can now jump straight to creating a data set. Select the radio button called “Use a Shared Data Set” and you will be able to hit Browse and choose one from the server. Hit Refresh Fields and you’re good to go !



After deploying your report , you will see that it works as normal. If you navigate back to the dataset ( In report manager ), you can click on it and view all the properties. One of these is the Caching option.


This allows you to cache the dataset so that no matter how many report requests there are ( across multiple reports ) , the data will be served from the cache and no there will be no activity on the source database itself. The difference here compared to caching individual reports is that you only manage the cache on the data set , not each report itself ( once again , assuming you can create a dataset that can serve multiple reports ).  The other option you will notice there is the Security tab, which allows you to manage access to the data sets. With that in mind , watch out for the following issues :


·         Granting users access to a report but not the dataset.

·         If you’re using “pass through” authentication ( ie. Windows Authentication ) , the credentials will now be passed from Report Manager to the Report , to the Data Set , to the Data Source and finally the database.


Overall though I’m quite positive about the benefits. Even if you cannot cache your report data due to small allowable latencies, the benefit of editing a single data set instead of multiple reports for back end changes will be great in large deployments.




Categories: Reporting Services

SQL R2 : Sparklines and Data Bars

December 17, 2009 3 comments

Well , after installing the November CTP I find that there’s a whole host of new things to discuss. Lets start with Sparklines and Data Bars. Now many of you will remember that you could create sparklines in RS 2008 , but there was a trick. You had to take a line chart, delete the axes , legend and any title and place it into an empty cell of the table or matrix object. The chart will then render for every detail row , and the data will be filtered at group level.
Anyway , life is much easier now with RS 2008 R2. In the November CTP , there are a few new options on the toolbox for us. In addition to the Map, we now have the Data Bar, Sparkline and Indicator.
So in order to try out these new controls, I started out by creating a standard matrix chart off the Adventure Works database , showing Sales by Product. In the dataset I have also included the month field – we can use this to draw a sparkline indicating the sales for a particular product by month, thus indicating the spread of the total sales. This is why sparklines are so useful, they deliver more insight into the figures that we see. So the matrix itself started out looking like this :
So the next step is to add an adjacent column inside the column group. Of course , the tablix allows us to do exactly this. Right click on the cell where the sales amount is displayed ( in design mode ) , and select Insert Column – Inside Group – Right. This will create another column for us. The next step is to select the Sparkline object from the toolbox and drag it into the empty cell. The moment you do this , a window opens asking you to select the type of sparkline to be used.
Now you’ll see that these are very similar to the charts we have, and I suspect that they are actually derived from the Dundas charts. In fact you’ll see later on that once you create a sparkline you have the option to convert it into a chart. But for now, lets get the sparkline finished. Select the simple line chart and click OK.

New Data Pane

Now you need to double click the sparkline object itself to bring up the Chart Data dialog box. This is actually one of the changes in R2, when working with normal chart objects the data dialog box will also look like the one below.
It’s actually easy to decipher – on the first pane you drag the field that will provide the actual value ( in this case Sales Amount ). The second pane called Category Groups will define the Y-Axis Category for our "line chart" sparkline, in this case the Month field. You even have the option of a series grouping on the 3rd pane. I’m not sure that this would be a good idea on the line chart , but you would need this for a 100% stacked bar chart, for example. And with that , you can actually run the report – very straightforward.
Now theres a few things I’ve added up there. The second matrix simple illustrates a different type of sparkline. I’ve changed the "Fill" option to a "Top – Down" gradient to give it a nice effect. The third matrix uses the new "Data Bar" object. Now this works in a similar manner to the spark line , you even get the same data pane. The exception is that although you CAN use the month field as a Category , I haven’t here cos the aim of a Data Bar is to show us the larger and smaller figures at a glance. In fact this is very similar to what we have in Excel 2007 , except I haven’t figured out how to superimpose the actual figure on top of the data bar.


And what of the new Indicator object ? Well this is where it gets exciting for people who create scorecards. You can drag the indicator object into the cell as well, and set it to use the SalesAmount field , and the result will be the following :
It will take each value as a percentage of the overall total , and will display an indicator based on the banding. To define the actual banding , double click the indicator object for the Data Pane dialog to come up , then click the Properties button ( the first one ) , and then select Values and States. You will see the following screen
Now this really excites me as it means we can create proper scorecards in Reporting Services !!. In my next post I will talk about shared data sets…..
Categories: Reporting Services

Using Dundas Maps in Reporting Services 2008 R2

November 19, 2009 2 comments

One of the big additions in SQL Reporting Services 2008 R2 is the inclusion of Dundas Charts with the product. The importance of spatial data is growing , and we saw with SQL 2008 the spatial data capability being added to the database. We then needed a way to visualize the data , and that’s where Dundas Maps comes in. Now after playing with the maps , i found that they work a bit differently than a normal Reporting Services component, but it’s not too difficult to get up and running. In this article , I’ll show you the basics of using the Map Component.
I’ll start with Report Builder 3. The version I have is not the latest , but it does have the Map components. The easiest way to get started is to create a new report , and clikc on the "Map" button at the centre of the screen, which will launch the wizard.

You’ll then see a screen asking what type of map you would like to use. The default comes with various Maps of the USA. You can download maps to add to the gallery. A popular option would be to use an ESRI shape file. Select the Map Gallery button , and choose "USA by State Inset". This will allow us to create a report of the USA showing data by each State.


 The next screen has some interesting options. You can adjust the resolution ( quality ) of the map which will affect the amount of data sent over the network. Using the slider on the left , you can zoom in and crop the map. And the nicest option is the checkbox that says "Add a Bing Maps background". You can choose Road , Aerial or Hybrid , and this will really up the look and feel of your report.

On the next screen you can the type of representation you want on the map itself. I haven’t used the basic map yet as it seems to be the most in depth to set up. What you can choose is either the "Color [sic]  Analytical Map" which will represent the data in varying shades of colour, or the Bubble Map, which represents the data in varying sizes of bubble. Lets try the Colour Analytical Map first.

On the next screen you can create or browse to a data source connection. This is simple to set up – click next when you’re done. The next screen allows you to use the wizard to build a SQL query. Now I have a query off the AdventureWorksDW2008  database that will return the sales amount and order quantity per customer and state. This can be used to get a rolled up value of sales per state. We’ll have to define the query and then link it up to fields available on the map object itself. First, the query …

SELECT Fact.SalesAmount,
FROM AdventureWorksDW2008.dbo.FactInternetSales Fact WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCustomer Cust
        ON Fact.CustomerKey = Cust.CustomerKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimGeography Geog
        ON Cust.GeographyKey = Geog.GeographyKey
WHERE Geog.EnglishCountryRegionName = ‘United States’

This will return the following result

The StateProvinceName column is important here – we will use this to link it to the State Name column on the Map , so that the Map object knows which state the data is for. To do this , click on "Edit as Text" to bypass the wizard, then paste in the query. Hit the exclamation button to make sure it works and then click "Next". On the next screen , select the checkbox next to "StateName" and in the drop down box to the right select "StateProvincename". This will link the two.


The next screen is also important. Under the "Field to Visualize" section you need to select which field will be used as the data itself represented on the map. Choose [ Sum(Fields!OrderQuantity.Value ] , in other words , the Order Quantity field. Change the "Color Rule" drop down to [ Light – Dark ] and check Display labels. The data field will be the same.

 Click Finish, and then Run , and you should see your map. The states on the west coast should be darker as the majority of sales occured there.

Categories: Reporting Services

Reporting Services 2008: Axis labels not displaying on chart

October 7, 2009 6 comments

The new charts introduced in Reporting Services 2008 are fantastic. There are lots of new features ( explore the property boxes to see the new little tweaks that you can make  ), and of course the guages are proving to be very popular. In case you haven’t heard already , the SQL 2008 R2 release of Reporting Services will include Dundas Maps ( I’m already playing with this and will blog on it soon !! ).
Anyway , a minor annoyance with the current charts is that when you create a simple bar chart , for example , you don’t see all the labels on the bottom axis. For example , I’ve created a bar chart plotting sales by month. Without changing any settings , the default result is the following :

Right , so as you can see , the labels on the bottom axis are missing a few months. To correct this , it’s actually quite simple .

  • Right click on the axis in Design View , and select "Axis Properties"
  • Change the "Interval" setting from "Auto" to 1.

That should do it. You’ll end up with the following result.

Also play with the other settings , like "Interval Type" , "Arrow Style" etc. These Dundas charts really do give you options !!

Categories: Reporting Services

Where is the Reporting Services 2008 Web Service ?

July 2, 2009 Leave a comment

Trying to connect to the Reporting Services 2008 web service ? Not able to find the endpoint ? Tearing your hair out in frustration ? Vowing destruction and annihilation to those responsible ? Relax…… The old endpoint has been retired. You need to use the "2005" endpoint ( Although why isn’t this called "2008" ? – just overlooked I suppose ). The address is :

Replace "SERVER" with the hostname or IP Address of your Repporting Services server. And you can add "?WSDL" to the end of the URL to get the WSDL. Right , sorted ? If you haven’t investigated the web service yet you really should. It is, in my opinion, one of the best features of reporting services and allows you to really customize your report integration.

Categories: Reporting Services

Data mining in Excel

June 9, 2009 Leave a comment

I’ve found this site with some excellent videos on how easy it is to get started with Data Mining in Excel. Honestly it’s so easy downloading the videos is probably the most difficult thing you’ll do when you play around with Excel Data Mining…… the link

Scroll to the bottom of the page for the videos…. 

Categories: Reporting Services

Custom Code in Reports – Part 1

January 7, 2009 Leave a comment

One of the nicer , although I suppose under-utilised, features of Reporting Services is the ability to enhance your reports with a bit of custom code. Why do this ? Well you could implement some sort of difficult business logic using .NET code and your report fields, parameters and filters could interact with it to take advantage of that functionality. Now there are 2 ways to implement custom code :

  1. Use embedded code in your report. This is simple to implement and the code is deployed in your RDL.

  2. Create a custom assembly which is called by the report. A bit more work I suppose, but this is very powerful.

Lets start off with the embedded code. A simple example – I have here a sales report off adventure works. This uses the same query that I’ve shown previously on this blog and is a matrix with a product category grouping on rows and the year on the columns.

Right , so lets say that we would like to calculate the mean and standard deviation of these figures and stick them at the end of each row. One of the nice features of the tablix is that you can click on the cell of a column and select Insert Column – Outside Group – Right. That will create a parallel column at the end of the tablix .

To work out the mean value , the formula is simply ∑x / n ( The sum of x divided by the number of values ). A simple function that could return that for us would be :

Public Function Mean (ByVal Sum as Decimal, ByVal N as Integer) as Decimal
    Return Sum / N
End Function

To implement the function in your report , right click anywhere outside the design area , select Report Properties and go to the Code tab. Paste the above function into the code area – you can have more than 1 function here.

Now to call the function from a cell we use the [Code] command, so in this example it would be :


As you can see, I’m supplying the Sum of my sales value and a Count Distinct of the Year values ( across the entire dataset ) as the 2 arguments into the function. This is simple enough and will result in the following output :

Now I know what you’re thinking , you’re thinking we didn’t need a function for that simple calculation. Well the real value in this comes into play for something a bit more complex, something that you don’t want to write from scratch in that little cell. And what about if you need the same calculation for many cells in the same report ? You create one function and call it from many places in the report. It’s quite useful, although just be careful about writing too many of these functions in your reports – maintanence can quickly become a nightmare, especially if these functions are hidden in there and not documented. In part 2 , we’ll do something alot more interesting , that is , call a custom component from a report.

Categories: Reporting Services